Peak 2: Ta’ Dmejrek

  • Height: 253 m (830 ft)

  • Travelling mode: feet

  • Obstacle: none

  • Personal rating: 2/6 The peak is a pile of dirt BUT nearby you have the stunning Dingli Cliffs so that’s a star! 

  • Iceberg tip: Bring a picnic to enjoy on the cliffs and pre-book a cab to get back to your accommodation (or rent a vehicle).


“Watch the peak unfold in the YouTube video above or read on!”


After a snowy peak 2 in Cyprus, I flew straight to Malta. Peak 3 would be happening right away! I got a sick deal on a Boutique Hotel through Airbnb because it was off season, so I got all cozy and planned for the next day. All I really needed to do was figure out where I would start my makeshift trail to one of the smallest peaks on the project. Oh, and get some food.

It was a Friday when I woke up to take on Ta’Dmejrek with its whopping 253 m. I got a Bolt cab to Zurrieq, a tiny town on the far side of the island. I’d found a trail along the cliffs, so my idea was to take that and then follow Google Maps until I got to the peak. Well, it worked until I got to the blue grotto you can see in the YouTube thumbnail above… once I got that view I couldn’t seem to find a way across. I unknowingly ended up walking through some people’s backyards until I heard a dog barking. That’s when I figured I should retrace my steps and find a different way. Fumbling with my map I found a hotel and my logic told me that there would be a road to that hotel that could take me around. I was right!

I followed the tiny winding roads of Malta only to reach the Dingli Cliffs and pass the peak! I wasn’t joking when I said it was small! I walked back another 15 minutes and found that the peak was really just a pile of rubble next to an abandoned house. After 18 km, in the gorgeous Med sun, I’d reached peak 3!

To celebrate I had a roadside coffee near the ‘taxi’ pick up point. Apparently they put cardamom in their coffee - who knew! It was pretty tasty! :)

After finishing the day with some hot soup back at the hotel, I had another mission - wait for my best friend to arrive! The next day we would have a whirlwind trip around the island! That too, would be a stellar adventure! (You can watch below if you’d like)!

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