
Peak 1: Chemin de Révoires

  • Height: 163 m (534 ft)

  • Travelling mode: feet

  • Obstacle: none

  • Personal rating: 1/6 Pretty boring, just a wee hill with nothing around. 

  • Iceberg tip: Go a little further up (into France) to get a beautiful view of Monaco

“Watch the peak unfold in the YouTube video above or read on!”

In December 2021, just after the idea of this peak project was born, I was in Nice, France. At the time I wasn’t sure that I would even be following through with this, after all- 50 peaks is A LOT! 

It was my partner, fur baby and I on a road trip to Italy. We drove into Monaco and I was humming with excitement! A new country and potentially the beginning of a new project that would push me to every limit - mentally, physically, emotionally and financially. 

As we explored the country, all 2 km of it, I tossed the project around in my head.

I was filming for a YouTube video so I figured why not just film this peak too, if I change my mind and decide not to do it, I don’t have to show it. 

This point, Chemin de révoires, is tiny in comparison to the bigger ones I’d be doing but it would still have to be done. 

We drove around looking for the point on the map but kept losing signal (Monaco has different cell towers). 

Eventually we got signal, stopped the car and I ran to the point on the map. I was filled with so much joy and hope that I knew then that this would happen - some way or another. 

Peak 1 of 50 complete. 

Let’s do this.

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