Ultimate Hiking Guide for Carrauntoohil, Ireland
Hike to the top of Ireland!
This guide has everything you need to know to have a wild, safe, unforgettable adventure to Carrauntoohil, the highest peak in Ireland!
Packed with valuable tips and recommendations, this guide book is for you if you love to hike and want to conquer this epic mountain. Save time and feel fully prepared by finding all the answers you need in one place.
What’s inside the guide:
Things to know & Recommendations
How to get to there
Where to stay
4 hiking trails to summit Carrauntoohil
Preparations & Packing
How to connect with other hikers doing the same peak
Bonus: short adventure story of peak 4/50
Watch the video below for a taste of what’s inside with these tips!
Ready to live your next adventure?
Watch my peak attempt below!
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